After a watery and misty period where confusion, overwhelm and misunderstandings were magnified, as well as a heightened awareness of dreams and imaginative ideas and sensitivities to energy and the environment.
The Sun now enters into the more assertive and driven energy of Aries. As much as you may wish to speed ahead in Aries style, the visibility is not that clear yet. There are still four planets in the dreamy sign of Pisces which can still be a little bit too idealistic and dreamy, and Mercury is about to turn retrograde for three weeks 1-25April, so reconnect to the dreams, ideas, and intentions that you have been working on over the past month rather than forging prematurely into new ideas right now.
The Full Moon in Libra on the 25th March emphasized the need to focus on what are the imbalances that are wobbling you out. A lot of them you may have no control over, but you can emotionally protect or shift how you react to things so that you are feeling less overwhelmed and drained by the external ongoings. This Full Moon also happened to be an eclipse which emphasizes the shadow areas that can leave us feeling “in the dark.”
Eclipses are often more of a global theme that is “shining light” on the areas that may be out of alignment and right now the nodes are in the signs of Libra and Aries which is the axis of relationships – looking at how to step into your independence if you are relying too heavily on others, and looking where to connect if you are working too independently and it needs the energy of another or others to lighten the load. The next two weeks will be the period of shadow as we move towards the Total Solar eclipse at the New Moon on the 8th April.
My feeling is this period will bring up some information or expose some things that will push us into the energy of breaking open into new energy, new insight, and a new chapter as we move into the Jupiter Uranus conjunction between the 18-21 April.
Remember that shadow periods are a time when the outer light is not there to guide you so connect to your inner light and work more intuitively through this period. Be gentle and allow yourself to pause and adjust to the changes you may be feeling over this time.
I will confirm dates for my next transformation workshop in April as well as another process art workshop – Exploring colour and energy. I am doing Astro card readings for functions private and markets if you would like to book me for an event.
Sending lots of light and love for the long weekend.